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The Self-Employed Careers That Earn the Most

What do you think of being self employed? Maybe it’s something you’ve been considering for a while, or maybe it’s something you

Tips for Working Remotely

There are more people kicking back and working for themselves now. Freelancers, digital nomads, and the gig economy have shifted how people

How You Can Boost Your Self-Employed Income

Being someone that is self-employed or working freelance can be really fun. You can set your own hours, choose the clients that

Signs Your Employer Doesn’t Care About You

There’s a sad reality to some people’s working life – they spend more time with the people they work with than they

Leap up the Career Ladder in 3 Simple Steps

If you are looking for your next position whether this is a side step or a promotion, you need to compete with

3 Pitfalls Every New Project Manager Needs to Understand

For the young, brash and confident business owner, new projects seem like new adventures. For the seasoned business owner, they are a

Recruitment Bodies to Join

Joining a recruitment body is certainly recommended if you operate in this industry. Here are two options… Advantages of Becoming a Member

Ways That You Can Improve Safety in Your Workplace

A lot of the time, people don’t necessarily enjoy going to work – we don’t enjoy peeling ourselves out of our nice,

Why Manual Skills Are Still Making Money?

When it comes to creating a profitable business, what is the type of skills people prefer to spend time learning? In a

Eight Jobs You Can Do While You Travel

We’re lucky enough to now live in a time of remote working, wi-fi and access to the internet on every device. Imagine