- Mar. 07
- Richard Parker
DIY Tips for New Homeowners in 2022
When you purchase your first ever home, there is always a temptation to rip everything out and start to create your perfect home with your own stamp. However, during those first few months of homeownership, you’ll likely realise that decorating is a lot more work than you thought.
Whether you buy a home through a management company like Orana Property or purchase something privately, here are some helpful DIY tips for you to take on board.
Start Small
Whatever you do, don’t start your DIY career by stripping out the entire kitchen and bathroom and redoing them from scratch. For someone who has never done DIY, you need to start with small projects and work your way up to the big stuff. Think about starting with painting the walls, hanging some art and work your way up to larger things once you become confident.
Test Colours and Wallpaper
If you are thinking about changing the colour of your living room and other parts of the house, one thing you will want to do is take the time to test it out for a while before you commit. If you have a wallpaper or a colour scheme in mind you can grab a sample from your local hardware store and you can stick the wallpaper on your target wall, and you can paint some plain paper and do the same thing. Keep this on the wall for a few weeks as you live your day to day life and have a think whether it suits the space. It is always better to test things out before you commit to it and regret it later.
Move Things Around
A lot of the time when you move into your first home you will end up just putting your things wherever they will fit. However, before you start redecorating you can see whether or not you can just move things around and make a difference without spending lots of money. You might be surprised at how different your Home looks when you move things around a little.
Don’t Drill Holes
Never drill holes in your walls! Although you might want to hang lots of art and mirrors in the home, did you know that you can do this without drilling holes in the walls? You can use command strips instead of holes to hang up your art and mirrors and this will save you having to fill in lots of holes in the walls when you rearrange or redecorate. It causes much less damage to the house and is much easier for you to do.
Finish a Project Before You Start Another
The most crucial thing you can do if you want to make sure that you can make big changes to your Home is to not start multiple projects at the same time! It is tempting to try and get all of your house decorated at the same time, but it is not practical and you will end up making more work for yourself if you try to do it. Think about starting one project and seeing it through all the way to the end before you try and do anything else. If you keep starting projects while other ones are going on you will never finish anything! Take things one at a time and by the end of the year you will have a wonderful new home to live in!